The first ragdolls were bred in the early 1960s by Ann Baker, a Persian breeder from California. General thought is that she created the foundations of the Ragdoll breed by selecting kittens out of Josephine, a semi-feral longhaired white Persian/Angora, sired by several unknown Birman-like or Burmese-like cats, one with Siamese type markings. Blackie was the result of one of these early matings. He was an all black Burmese-like male as was Daddy Warbucks, a seal point with white feet. Daddy Warbucks sired the founding bi-colour female Fugianna, and Blackie sired Buckwheat, a dark brown/black Burmese-like female. Both Fugianna and Buckwheat were daughters of Josephine. All Ragdoll cats are descended from Ann Baker’s cats through matings of Daddy Warbucks to Fugianna and Buckwheat. By selecting cats with the look and temperament she wanted for her breeding program, Ann Baker created the standard Ragdoll.
Selectively bred over many years for desirable traits, such as large size, gentle temperament, and a tendency to go limp when picked up, the Ragdoll has become one of the most popular breeds of cat worldwide today.
The Ragdoll is a large cat. The males usually weigh between 6 and 8kg with some being even heavier. The females weigh between 4 and 6kg. They do not reach their full development till they are between 3 and 4 years old.
They have beautiful blue eyes, a sturdy body with a medium shaped head and a medium length coat that is silky soft to the touch and doesn’t matt like other long haired breeds. As such they are much easier to groom and maintain.
However, If there’s one thing the Ragdoll is renowned for it’s the wonderful temperament they have. They are extremely docile, easy going and laid back and because of this they must be kept INDOORS at all times. They do not have the inbuilt wariness around strangers and other animals that mark most cats. They are quite defenseless outside and can easily be harmed by others or stolen by strangers.
Easily trained, they are intelligent and have many dog like traits that will endear them to dog lovers. They will beg, and walk on a lead, as well as playing fetch with you.
They love their human family and will want to spend all their time with you when they are awake. They can be chatty, but quietly so, without the raucous meow of some breeds. They love a cuddle, will want to sit at your feet or beside you on the couch and generally participate in everything you do.. that includes following you to the toilet in the middle of the night! I’ve found I can’t even shower in peace without a few furry faces watching me through the screen. You’ll
even have some “helpers” when you’re doing the housework.. the broom and dirt pile are a favourite. They are huge stickybeaks and will hop into any open cupboard or box.
These cats are just a joy to have around.